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Can I really trust God?

We hear the verse, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding", and it still becomes so hard to fully trust him in hard or confusing times in our life.

The moments where we're left in the dark, in complete suspense, and dying to know the answer or outcome to a situation leaves me often times losing at the trust challenge with God.

So, can we trust God? And how do we trust Him?

We can trust God every second of the day. How do we know this? On the good and bad days, the easy and hard days, the assuring and confusing days, we can lean on the God who knows us better than we know ourselves and knows our future.

God knows what is going to happen before you do. Read that again.

God knows the outcome of everything before we do, and he tries to guide us in what's best for us. A lot of times, we don't listen and go our own way. We think it's the best idea to just trust ourselves, but the Lord knows the best route for our lives.

”Whoever trusts in his own mind is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom will be delivered.“

-‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭28‬:‭26‬ ‭ESV‬‬

For example, if you've ever had to teach someone something that you've been through and they act like they already know everything and don't take your advice, you'll know what it's like for God to guide us in the right path and we discount his wisdom and walk on our own path apart from him. It can be hurtful to not be trusted by people when you genuinely know something.

Trusting God takes more than two seconds to master for sure, so all we can do is rely on him today. What today do we need to trust him with? Instead of looking at the rest of your life, apply this to today.

If you have a relationship with God and you know him, it will be easier for you to trust in him with all your heart.

Oftentimes it feels impossible to trust the Lord in the middle of a trial or hard time, but in the end I've realized that I was in his hands the whole time, and it's the most freeing feeling.

With scary diagnoses, traveling to unknown places, walking in rooms we've never been to before, taking nerve-wrecking tests, and picking a career, trusting in someone other than yourself can be daunting.

But when we realize that it's God that we're trusting, who wants to be our best friend and guide us down the path that's best for us with him, these experiences are unforgettable experiences with him.

Whatever it is you may be walking through today or this season, I promise it's better with the Lord than without Him.

We always talk about wanting to know the future, but we know the one who knows the future. Let's lean on him today no matter how scary today feels!

So, how do we trust God?

We lean on him and trust him with faith and without sight. We allow him to carry us through hard times. We understand that he knows best and we don't.

We don't expect ourselves to be perfect at trusting God after one instance of trusting Him, but we allow ourselves to continually trust him in all areas of our life.

We don't lean on our understanding, and we get to know God daily in order to keep a close and trusting relationship with Him.

I will say to the LORD, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”

-Psalm 91:2

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I don't know who God is, but would like to know! 🔎

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Thank you for reading! May the Lord's peace be with you today. ❤︎

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